Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eye Candy #369 - "Captain Scarlet The Complete Series"

Captain Scarlet - The Complete Series:  I vaguely remember watching an episode, lo these many moons ago, as a child.  But figured it was available on DVD, it’s time to see what all the hubbub was about.  One of the Gerry & Sylvia Anderson creations involving marionettes, scale vehicles, explosions,  and such, “Captain Scarlet” is the story of Spectrum, a world protection organization where all the agents are color coded.  Scarlet is one of the leaders of the group, is nigh immortal, and sounds like Cary Grant.  We’ve also got Captain Blue, Captain Ochre, Colonel White, Captain Magenta, Lieutenant Green, and Professor Plum in the conservatory with a wrench.  In addition to those chaps, we also have the Angels,  4 women pilots named Rhapsody, Symphony, Harmony, and Melody (think if it like “Barbi’se My Own F-15 Strike Eagle”) that spend most of the series hanging out in their own private lounge.  From their base in the clouds called…”Cloud Base”, Spectrum fights against the alien Mysterons (who are never shown) and their various agents on earth, including the nefarious Captain Black, traitor to Spectrum.  The Mysterons want revenge on Earth for an unprovoked attack on their civilization on Mars, so every episode they fricking SHARE with Spectrum exactly where they are going to attack!   Yes, they are so dastardly that they telegraph every single move they make.  They typically kill someone at the beginning of the episode that is related to their plan, replace him with a duplicate to do their dirty work (and they typically only use one person…versus the entire Spectrum organization)…and, unsurprisingly, fail almost utterly on every occasion.  Fun in a kitschy way with good production values (though the soundtrack to the show is extremely repetitive), I enjoyed “Captain Scarlet” though I’m sure it’s not for all tastes.  But you can see where contemporary homages like “Team America World Police” get it from.  Woodchuck sez, “May be up your alley.”

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