Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eye Candy #316 - "Attack Force" (SEAGAL! #6)

Attack Force:  I continue to be amazed at the depths I have to plumb to find the worst Seagal movie.  Every time I think I’ve hit rock bottom, something else like “Attack Force” pops up.  Here is a Seagal movie so bad they OVER-DUBBED half of Seagal’s dialogue because they changed the plot after the film was already shot.  And the guy they have dubbing Seagal sounds nothing like Seagal.   Described as a “horror action movie”, Seagal is Marshall Lawson, who runs his own special forces unit for the American military.  While in Paris, several of his men are killed by a hooker who is under the influence of an experimental weaponized drug called CTX, that amps up your adrenaline and reflexes, making you extremely hard to kill.  It seems that the inventors of CTX wants to put it into Parisian water supply, creating a whole slew of hyped-up, hard-to-kill humans.  A really, truly terrible film in almost every way and a complete waste of time, to boot.  Woodchuck sez, “For the moment, the worst Seagal movie I‘ve ever seen.”

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