The New Daughter: A horror movie based upon a John Connolly short story of the same name, Kevin Costner plays John James, a writer and divorced father of two, who moves into a new house in South Carolina with his two children, teenage daughter Louisa and younger son Sam. Shortly after moving in, John and his family discover what they think is a large burial mound on the property, as well as learn of the house’s former owners, not all of whom are still extant. Soon Louisa starts behaving strangely, people start to die, and vaguely humanoid creatures start coming out of the woods to claim Louisa as one of their own, as the mound isn’t for burials at all but is instead a hive. Not a great horror movie, more suspenseful than anything, with the obligatory run-from-the-monsters climax. Costner is good as Jones, but the actress playing Louisa, Spaniard Ivana Baquero who played the lead in “Pan’s Labyrinth”, seems to have the needle buried on “BRAT” and gives a fairly one-dimensional performance. Samatha Mathis, Noah Taylor, and James Gammon (in his final film role) are in support. A fine time-waster and good effort from first time director Luis Bernando (I’ve certainly seen worse films from more established directors). Woodchuck sez, “Might be worth your while.”
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