Monday, April 26, 2010

Eye Candy #338 - "The Last Winter"

The Last Winter:  An odd mélange of horror and environmental awareness films about an oil crew working to open up a long-abandoned oil well that was shut down years before for reasons that are never fully elaborated upon. In their midst is an environmental assessor (James LeGros) who is making sure that all is on the up and up and he butts heads with the crew chief (Ron Perlman). However, things start to go very, very wrong, people start to die, and yes Virginia, there is something inhuman coming out of the abandoned well (**SPOILERS** that resembles ghostly reindeer monsters). I was hoping for a lot more since this had Perlman in it and he’s usually great in just about everything he touches. The film did well with the cabin fever element, but once the supernatural stuff starts to take place (particularly since there are no explanations given as to what is exactly going on other than some nebulous hooey; hey filmmakers! You can’t have the message of the film be spouted by the craziest person in the film, because then we just think it’s more of him being crazy). Disappointed to say the least. Woodchuck sez, “Skip it.”

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