Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eye Candy #281 - "Disturbia"

Disturbia: I must admit that Shia Lebeouf is growing on me.  He seems to be picking scripts consistently and what he does (the glib smart@ss type), he does well.  This film is a remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window”.  The original starred Jimmy Stewart as a police officer with a broken leg who thinks he may have witnessed a murder committed by a neighbor in his same building.  This time, the action is taken out into the burbs, with Shia on electronic house arrest, and his neighbor may be a psycho wanted by the police for murdering young women.  A LOT more obvious than its predecessor, this one decides to forego the mind games of the original (and a more nebulous villain in the form of Raymond Burr) for an out-and-out, written on the wall in big letters bad guy.

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